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Developmental Delay

Infants with developmental delay, which refers to when a child does not reach developmental milestones at the expected times, benefit from a pediatric physical therapist to help them develop the necessary motor skills for a healthy life. For families, seeing their child struggle can be heart-wrenching, but early intervention with physical therapy offers hope and measurable progress. Services can not only support the child's growth but also provides parents with guidance, reassurance, and a sense of empowerment in aiding their child's development. At Pathway Pediatric Therapy, we create personalized exercises and activities that promote strength, coordination, and overall physical development.


Premature Birth

Babies born before 37-40 weeks gestation are at higher risk for developmental delay. These babies often require prolonged hospitalizations, medical interventions, and support that can cause delays within their underdeveloped neuromuscular systems.

Cute Baby Crawling

Poor tolerance for tummy time

Babies who struggle with tummy time can also be at higher risk for developmental delay. Babies who have reflux, colic, or muscle weakness may need extra support or alternative positioning to improve their tolerance for these developmental positions. 

Children Playing

Delay in older children

While developmental delay is most common in infants, older children may struggle with meeting milestones such as jumping, skipping, balancing on one foot, or even sports-based skills. Simple activities and exercises can improve overall performance and promote success in sports and school.

“Thanks to her going above and beyond, my child met her 12 month milestone of walking and graduated from wearing a helmet during that same time.  I got a 2 for 1! "

CC, ATlanta

Want to learn more? 

Check out these resources to learn more about how pediatric physical therapy can help your child! 

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